Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Changes Galore

This morning, I was leaving for work and Morgan as normal said "say good bye to mama" and my little boy waved. I mean a real wave bye bye and I couldn't help but get teary... he is changing so quickly. Over the past month, he has 1) started crawling 2) started pulling himself up to stand 3) begun walking around the furniture 4) started "dancing" by bouncing to music 5) learned to clap his hands and now 6) waved bye bye. It is just incredible to watch how he grows. He is mobile and squirmy and a big boy- taking in so much each day. I know it's been said a million times by other mamas but just when you think it can't get any better, it does!! I love you Colin!

Monday, February 25, 2008


So we are in a bad way with regards to Colin's sleep- or lack thereof... He is teething something awful as I can see 3 bulges up top where teeth should be popping through any day. Therefore the kid is waking nearly every hour in the night which is killing me! The good news is that he is relatively unphased during the day- smiling and laughing and curious as ever. Yesterday he discovered that he can bat his two hands together to clap. It was so darn cute to watch him clapping- he was so proud! No wonder his sleep is limited- he is too busy learning so many amazing tricks every day!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy 10 months!

Dear Colin,
Where does the time go? 10 months old...I can't believe you are now in double digits...officially a big boy! It is amazing the changes we see in you daily. We returned last night from Grammie's house in Ashland and just in that week, you blossomed even more. You climb and pull yourself up onto anything that will hold you and get to wherever you want to be. You even are a dare devil and let go to try and stand on your own and your face is in awe for that second or two before you kerplunk onto the ground. We had such an amazing time and you and Grammie bonded over your new CD of children's songs and the stack of books she got for you. You will sit for 5 or 10 minutes at a time, just flipping through the books and babbling as if you are reading to us. I love how you love books!! And your new thing is when we're listening to your CD, as the final chord of a song chimes- you look up at the CD player confused as if to say "why is it ending?" But then as the next song begins you seem happy and resume playing or reading or whatever you were doing...

You are so precious to us and I love you with all my heart.

Love, Mama

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Votes are In....

Checking out all the propositions...hmmm

Voting with Mama...!

Daddy and Me... (note my "I voted" sticker)
It's unanimous- Colin was the winner!! That is of the cutest baby contest at the polls. So last night we ventured out and walked to the polls where Colin was able to have his first voting experience!!! I swear I heard him mutter "Go Hillary!!" :) Pretty amazing that my little one is living in a time where he is seeing all kinds of people (not just white males) running for President!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Boy!

Athena sent along the sweetest bath time pictures... had to share! This is Colin to a T... 99% of the time. We are so blessed!!