Saturday, February 25, 2012


Lately, life has felt a bit fragmented. I seem to vacilate between feeling so very grateful for the life we have: a wonderful balance of family time with our babies, work and living a beautiful life... and the sadness and confusion over Dave and my mom's situation. Each day, I seem to wake up feeling differently... some days with brightness and optimism and others with a sinking feeling and deep heartache. I think of my sweet Colin and the hard conversations to come, and for my own nervousness in knowing that this will all become more real on Friday when I head to Oregon. Mostly, I think of how this must be for my mom and Dave. It weighs heavy on my heart, and makes it hard to stay long in those places of gratitude and highness.

And so each night before bed, Colin and I say our prayers and name what we are grateful for. Colin's list regularly includes family and "our great life" and this helps keep joy shining in our hearts. The innocence of children truly helps me focus, and I will keep tuned into my sweet first born each night as he reminds me of all for which we are blessed.