Wednesday, October 21, 2009

4 months

Logan, my sweet angel, is 4 months today. In the past month I have seen his personality develop ten fold. He is a smiley baby beyond belief. I literally cannot count how many times people have asked if he is always like this. YES! He is smiles and coos and giggles and just pure love. He has a twinkle to those big blue eyes and some little looks that just melt my heart. He is now rolling and holding his head up so high while on his tummy- wow is a strong boy!

Yesterday he had his 4 month appt and is as healthy as can be. He weighed in at 17 lbs, 9 oz. 92nd percentile for weight and 75th for height. Our pediatrician looked up Colin's weight at 4 months and he was a full 4 lbs lighter. I'm fearful for how our Finny is going to eat us out of house and home when he hits his teens. And I wouldn't trade it for anything- I love the chubby thighs and full cheeks... just precious.

This baby is something else and I fall more deeply in love every day!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2 1/2

Today Colin is officially 2 1/2 years old. To me, it definitely feels like he is in his twos as he is on par with many things we think of when we think of a child in their twos... Independent, stubborn, energetic, curious, playful and um did I mention independent? "Colin do it" or "let me do it!" are phrases I must hear 30 times a day!!

Colin is definitely into daddy beyond belief these days. Not that he wasn't before but ever since Logan arrived this has magnified. Daddy must do everything and I'm hopeful that my first born some day will care if I exist :)

In the meantime, I'm thoroughly enjoying him develop a true sense of self as well as sense of humor. Boy is my kid funny sometimes! For instance, the other day he successfully earned a sticker for his deposit into the elmo toilet. Morg and I were enthusiastically praising him for doing a great job and Morgan said, "Way to go Colin, you made a snake". Colin took a look into the potty (which it's contents did indeed resemble a snake) and shouted "I want to make a dog!!" Moments like these actually make toilet training a joy, and the twos fun as hell!

Colin with his baby bro!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Baby Dashton is here!

We are so happy for our sweet friends Amy, Jeremy and lil Camden who welcomed Dashton Bleu Weber into the world yesterday at 7:30am CT. Dashton came out healthy and gorgeous as can be weighing in at 7 lbs, 2oz. Mommy and baby are doing great and the Weber family is enjoying this very special time as a new family of four! Clearly, Camden is already in love with his baby bro and we know the proud parents are feeling the same way about their new miracle. Congratulations y'all! We love and miss you!! xo

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

Fall.. the best time of the year. And even better with my sweet family.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin

Thursday, Mr Finny-Pie decided to roll over for the first time. It just so happened that I was taking a shower and had put him on a big soft cushy mat outside of our glass shower. As I was washing the shampoo out of my hair, I glanced out and watched as he finally made it up and over his right shoulder and onto his belly. His look of accomplishment was so priceless, I quickly finished up and jumped out so to have him reinact this feat while I captured it with photos. Too adorable!
Here he goes...

Up and over...I did it!So proud!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


My sweet punkins are so much fun these days. Over the weekend, we enjoyed friends who came to stay and although the house was crazy with 4 kids under four, silliness and laughter was heard non-stop.

Dancing fools...
While Logan slept away. **Note those thighs... I love them! :)

I personally had an "omg" moment when I stayed with all 4 while the other "drinking-capable" adults went out for an hour to enjoy some wine tasting. Wow, 4 kids would definitely be interesting!!

We went to feed the ducks and Logan as always was our smiling champ!

A rare shot of just me and my sweethearts!
Happy Boys!!