Sunday, November 22, 2009

5 months

My pooka was 5 months yesterday! What a bundle of happy baby we have. Logan continues to be an incredibly happy and EASY baby and we thank our lucky stars every day he is ours. These days it's all about rolling... It is the cutest thing ever when he rolls onto his belly, holiding his head strong and high and then breaks into a huge smile as if so proud of himself. He so rarely cries and his smiles are just the best.

This past month, the boys began interacting and wow does that bring new meaning to sweet. Colin LOVES to be silly with his baby brother and Logan laughs uncontrollably at the silliness. It's evident that he is already completely in awe of Colin and lights up any time his big brother walks in the room. I had been warned that seeing your kids play is up there on the list of most amazing experiences and that warning was true. To watch them love each other is something special.

Sleep is getting better as our baby boy is solidly on 2 90 minute naps a day plus a mini nap in the evening. I had mixed emotions about moving from co-sleeping to the crib but the day came when it was necessary due to a complete meltdown from mama. He adjusted quickly to his crib for naps and nights are getting a bit better these days. Similar to Colin at this age, he still ends up in our bed half way through the night but at least begins the night there and the stretches are lengthening... and I really can't resist the snuggle time. Yes, I'm a softie!! :)

We are so blessed with an amazing family and I am really cherishing his babyhood as 5 months feels like 5 seconds. I feel sooo lucky to have been home with him these 5 months and will continue to be home for another couple weeks until I begin my new job. The stars really have aligned and I am so content in my new position being 10 minutes away, the hours being 8:30-4:30 and after a brief 90 days, going to Monday thru Thursday schedule. Those Fridays will be reserved time for mama and her babies and life really can't be better for the O'Bryant's these days.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


We had so much fun this past week! Grammie and Dave came for a visit from Oregon and we loved every second they were here. Thank you for making the drive and for your loving ways (especially when I was about to lose my marbles with sleep deprivation) with our little ones! Colin and Logan couldn't get enough of them and I think/hope the feeling was mutual!

Once they departed, my good friend Juliette came for a visit. She's the kind of friend that although we are on opposite coasts, it feels like no time has passed when we see each other. We didn't come up for air and still felt like we could have gabbed for another week!

We miss you already Grammie, Dave and my twin Jule!

Friday, November 6, 2009

My bumbo buddy

I love that Logan is now big enough to sit in the bumbo. In the morning, he hangs out in it while I'm in the shower - happy as a clam. And from there, I move him from room to room so he can be part of the action. His favorite room to date is the laundry room. Something about the white noise, he is all smiles and makes folding laundry a lot more joyous for mama! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My munchkins and halloween

We did it up this year, and loved every second. Yes, it's about the kids but we couldn't help but jump on the Wizard of Oz bandwagon after deciding Colin would be the lion, Logan the scarecrow and Siena, our good friends' daughter, Dorothy. Morgan pulled off the tin man brilliantly (with some awesome makeup touches from my sis, Tam) and I went as the witch. Friends Joe and Jenny were the perfect lollipop guild guy and Glinda the good witch.

I've always loved halloween and this year was especially awesome. And thanks to Auntie Tay Tay and Uncle Steve for sharing it with us. Perfect Halloween!!