Monday, January 26, 2009

Another little miracle has arrived...

Happy Birthday Cassandra Vivian Fawcett!
My wonderful friend delivered her baby girl early this morning- no easy task as she weighed in at 10 lbs, 3.5 oz.
Such a special day! Congratulations Diane and John!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Special Day & 21 months!

Cheers to our new president!
And, to my Colin- 21 months today...
I am constantly in awe of you. You amaze me as you are quickly discovering the world around you. You are now putting words together- 2 and 3 at a time. You love to say bye bye to everything... bye bye horsie, bye bye mama's car, bye bye books... you can clearly say every letter in the alphabet and recognize many, and you know more animals than I do (including the difference between a rooster and a hen). You love to play with your likkle guys and line up your odilla (gorrilla), sawan (swan), oggie (froggie) and many more figures. You contine to be the most affectionate little boy ever, giving non-stop hugs, kisses and pat pat pats (pats on the shoulders) and you even love to introduce yourself (name Kyle!) coupled with sticking your hand out and saying "meet you" (nice to meet you). You are so very social- saying hi to anyone you come in contact with and regularly surprising strangers on your street with your friendliness. You are perfect, and I love every second I get to watch you discover the world. Thank you for choosing me to be your mama... I am so very lucky and thank the stars above you are mine.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My two babies

Now that I have popped, Colin is intrigued with my belly. It's just too cute to see my babies (one inside the womb, one outside) together. And we are eagerly counting the hours until Friday when we find out if our #2 is a girl or boy!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Adventures

This past weekend was all-Colin. And we had so much fun trying out several new, fun things! Both Saturday and Sunday mornings, we previewed new music classes- both fantastic and different (mama was a sucker and signed up Colin for both) and Saturday afternoon we explored a new children's museum and play center with friends for an official playdate. It was a wonderful weekend. There is nothing quite like watching little ones play together and Colin enjoyed every second of Zoe (almost 4) and Quinn (1 1/2). I think Colin and Quinn liked each other a little TOO much as evidenced by the final picture :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Amazing that 2009 is here!! And with it will be bringing wonderful things, I am confident, for the O'Bryant family! We have our little wonder, Colin... baby #2 on the way... our health, happiness, family and friends. What is better than that? Life is good, and we are blessed. When you get to look at this face each day, we realize just how blessed we are...