Tuesday, September 21, 2010

15 months

Dear sweet Logan,

How is it that you are already 15 months? You are growing bigger and bigger, and yet your baby ways are still ever present which I love. I have never seen such a cuddle bug, and secretly hope this will stay forever... You regularly walk over to me or your daddy and lean your head against our knees, or walk up with arms raised so that I can scoop you up and you throw your head down on my shoulder. In those moments, my heart wants to burst.

Of course, you are active as ever and love trying all the things your brother accomplishes. You are eager to have your own lunch pail, and are quick to try and head out the door when I take Colin to preschool. Lately, you have started scurrying up onto the couch and jumping off. Oh my goodness! And you love to dance - especially to the Glee soundtrack and to Tiny Dancer. You have some pretty advanced moves too! You point to your head, eyes, nose, mouth on command, and you are a babbling fool - still only uttering mama, dada, and baba - but lots of beautiful sounds. We absolutely know what you want, so communicating is no issue... You love to eat and sign "MORE" all the time... you are a bottomless pit!! :) And at night, you love to read your books and go very easily to sleep.. You are my angel baby.

Good night sweet Finny... I love you more than you will ever know!!

Love, Mama