Monday, November 26, 2007

Giving this a shot

I have decided to try out blogging just for fun. I can't be certain I will keep up as well as I know others do, but it might be fun to just post here and there... Here, I open the window into our home and share some of life's precious moments with Colin.

I titled this blog "something to laugh and smile about each day", because as we were leaving the hospital with our 'barely 6 pound peanut", the last nurse came in to do a final check out and her parting words to us were "you will be amazed at how you will laugh and smile each day at things you never imagined possible"... I often think of these words and just how true they are. In the early weeks, we found many laughs over Colin's poop explosions, smiles over our sleeping child and smiles between momma and papa in the contentment and sweetness of being new parents.

And Colin is now 7 months old and we continue to smile and laugh... he is rolling and sitting and babbling... We celebrated our first thanksgiving together and boy did we have a lot to be thankful for. As always, Colin was a champ among the chaos of splitting the day between the two sides of the family. He was the most popular person at both dinners, with many family member oohing and ahhing over him... he was bright eyed and curious- that is, until one too many persons surrounded him and his lower lip began to curl downward followed by a cry that screamed "overwhelm"! But he made it through and we are better prepared for the next holiday which is right around the corner!

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