Sunday, May 25, 2008


Colin officially was sick for the first time...the most heartbreaking experience for his mama to watch. Thursday night out of the blue, he began vomitting and it continued well into the night. I never knew a child could produce so much throw up! We were both covered head to toe, his crib was saturated, our name it. By Friday morning, we were off to the doctor who did the regular check up type things- ears, throat (both clear) and temp (1o2+)... it appeared he had a flu bug and/or a bit of food poisoning (no more eggless tofu salad out of the Whole Foods Salad bar for my baby)... Friday was spent on the couch the entire day. Literally, the whole day. My baby slept on me on and off until 10pm, and I just relished in the sweetness, however sad and worried I was. Our friends Scott and Kristi were also lifesavors, coming in shifts to hold the sleeping babe while mama did laundry and cleaned up the messiness. Today (Sunday) he is slowly recovering, although his appetite is still practically non-existant and he is very sleepy. What a "memorial" weekend!

1 comment:

Amy and Jeremy said...

Dear Little Sickie Bugga Boo Colie!!!
We hope you are feeling better!
You sure are a lucky boy to have such a great Mama!
We are going to miss you soooooo much!

Camden and Auntie Aim