Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back in the swing

It's been a harried few weeks, but I'm starting to feel human again and happy to not be on the go after 5 - no, I'm not exaggerating - 5 weekends in a row out of town. And 4 of which with a 17 month old... yikes. But we are home and staying put for a while so I can breathe. In the meantime, our little guy is more verbal than ever which is incredibly fun... our new favorite being his first sentence: "I Fuv _____" (dada or mama)... It's the sweetest, most precious thing in the world.

Now that we are back and settled, we can reflect on a some of our trips which included an afternoon at Sea World which was such a delight. Watching Colin light up at the toys and sea life and his favorite, the penguins, brought tears to my eyes (and yes, papa's too)... A special day which also included Grandpa, Noni and Cici.

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