Thursday, April 30, 2009

Future rock star!

Colin was generously given his first set of drums and he was in heaven. Elinor- thank you so much. Sending them all the way from Israel- well you are just too much. Know that Colin absolutely loves them and we hope he will follow in your footsteps as an amazing musician. The neighbors of course, especially love his new birthday gift! :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our healthy little 2 year old

Colin had his 2 year old check up Friday and as we knew of course, our little guy is healthy as can be. He is still a bit on the small side (30th percentile) but being small at birth, he has consistently been in that range from day 1 so this I am told is absolutely normal. We were told he is doing excellently with his verbal and social skills and our pediatrician was blown away that in his 24 months, he has only been sick one time and has never had any ear infections, rashes or any other ailments whatsoever. It made me feel good knowing that we have gone with our heart on postponing sugar, spreading out vaccines and putting off consumption of any type of meat. We will never know 100% if this fully attributes to his health, but I believe in my gut it does. All I do know for sure is that he sure is a happy and healthy guy who is smart as a whip and the apple of our eyes!! :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

2 years young

Dear my sweet Colin,

2 years ago (almost to the minute) you were born and changed the lives of so many- - especially your mama and papa. You bring such a joy and sense of fun to our lives, and we are enjoying this special day as you turn two years old. You are definitely learning to be assertive, but have such a balance of sweetness coupled with your sense of self and exploring your boundaries. Each day you amaze us as you breathe life in- - changing and growing and exploring. In the past few months, your language skills have drastically grown and sometimes your vocabulary and verbal skills just blow my mind. Just a week or two ago, you came to the bottom of the stairs and looked up to your daddy who was working. Quite sternly, you demanded, "Dada, COME DOWNSTAIRS...RIGHT NOW". And as if you realized your demands, you quickly yet equally as sternly followed up your request with "PLEASE, THANK YOU". Similarly, you also very much want our attention these days and often will take your index finger and point to a spot on the floor or couch (near you) and say "Daddy, sit RIGHT HERE". This is done in such a sweet way, it is hard not to follow your requests like a puppy. You also are clearly learning and developing your sense of humor . You love to call for Mama or daddy and if we don't immediately respond you will try again but instead, call for "Gina" or "Morgan". Before we can respond, you have a good chuckle...

Yesterday, we celebrated your 2nd birthday ELMO style and you were in heaven. You were surrounded by family, friends and other kids. It was a gorgeous day and you soaked every second in, without showing any overwhelm. The pin the nose on Elmo game was a hit as was the jungle gym of course. We again had a vegan, non-sugar treat for you and yet you could have cared less. It makes me feel so good to know you have not had any sugar in your first 2 years of life and I love seeing the results in my *mostly* mellow child who sleeps like a champ and is never sick.

Colin, there are no words to describe the ache in our hearts that you bring- and this ache of course is pure love. I enjoy every second with you- and yes, even those when you are quick to tell me no, because your sweetness is never far behind and I know that all of this is absolutely my pleasure.
I love you whole heartedly and fiercely... and thank you for choosing me as your mama.
Our party spot - Mountain View Park

My new bicycle courtesy of Aunt Courtney!

Daddy & the birthday boy!

Happy Birthday to me!!

Cupcake, anyone? Auntie Tay Tay's special treats are the best!

New duds!

Pin the nose on Elmo is a hit with the youngins!

All tuckered out after a long day!

Friday, April 17, 2009

An Artist in the making

As we approach Colin's 2nd birthday, we are becoming more and more aware of a stage we have yet to embark on. Take for instance a few nights ago:
Colin blessed us with his first piece of art work... a gorgeous drawing of who knows what - all over our bedroom door- in purple...

Guilty? Who me?
Thank goodness I easily found a remedy: toothpaste. Who knew!

And yet, he is still the same sweetheart that just warms our little hearts.
And his newest trick really has us rolling- eskimo kisses thanks to the
teachings of Auntie Tay Tay!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Festivities

This weekend was filled with a lot of fun all centered around Easter. I remember a year ago when Colin who was not even walking, blankly stared at his basket... But this year, wow was it neat to watch him not only start to understand, but also get so excited and talk about the Easter bunny, basket and eggs. It really is so amazing to go through the holidays with a child... something you can't exactly put into words but you get to relive the joy and innocence all through their eyes and there is nothing like it.

Friday night pizza & egg dying party with friends John, Megan & Leo!

Saturday Easter Egg-straveganza with Petting zoo, games, egg hunt & pictures with the Easter Bunny!

The Easter Bunny visits Colin...

...and brings a house favorite: Stickers!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kids Represent!

Ok, so I needed to share the cuteness of the little ones at Tam and Steve's wedding. Between the chaos, change in routine and altitude, I'd say that overall they all did fantastically!

Not that I'm biased, but was there ever a cuter flower girl and ring bearer?

The two eight month olds keeping Athena busy!
Gettin' their groove on- pals Colin and Charlie!

The littlest of the bunch in complete shock over the craziness and loudness in the reception! And overall, probably the biggest trooper!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wedding Fun

This past weekend, we spent a magical 4 days in Breckenridge, Colorado for Auntie Tay Tay and Uncle Steve's wedding. Everything went off without a hitch and the day couldn't have been more beautiful... wonderfully intimate group of guests, amazing setting and equally incredible back drop of snow capped mountains and a light dusting of snowflakes as the gorgeous bride walked down the aisle. It was a fairy tale wedding as Morgan noted! And our little ring bearer did an amazing job with no hiccups (despite the worry that he may not pull it off after a 30 minute tantrum to get his tuxedo on)... All in all, it was perfect!!Colin getting his hair done


Our little Family


I Do Time!

About to make it legal!

Party Time!