Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Big Day!

So many new things going on in our lives, it's hard to keep track! Yesterday, our sweet Colie Bear had his first day of Pre-PreSchool. As I stood in the kitchen making my big boy a lunch for "school", I distinctly remembered back to the days when my mom would pack our lunches and explain and re-explain why we couldn't have the the pizza, chips and chocolate milk schools called "lunch". And here I was. And with my own little one!
And then the time came to take Colin to school. I snapped pictures and Morgan shot video as Colin proudly and confidently entered his new PreSchool. He cried a bit when we left but could see (since we hid and watched for a few extra minutes) that Miss KK took care of our bear and he did great! He will attend Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-12:30 and I think it may be more difficult for mama then for Colin. How does the time go so quickly?


Tamara said...

SO CUTE!!!! Please make sure he doesn't forget my name.

Amy and Jeremy said...

Sweet Colie Bear...you are so big and we are so proud of you! Look at you with your little lunch bag!!
Sending you and baby Lo Lo lots of love!!!
PS: Tell mama seeing you off to school gets easier!! :)