Thursday, January 21, 2010

7 months of sweetness

Logan marked his 7 month birthday with officially crawling. He has been taking 2 or 3 "crawl steps" for a little while but today he truly crawled for several so I'm considering this his official kick off to crawling. Now the fun begins! He also achieved another milestone this past week with his first tooth popping through this past Saturday. Wow, is it going fast and I'm really REALLY trying to cherish every second. Especially the sweet moments when he is still or when he falls asleep on my shoulder or when he gazes at me for long periods of time during nursing. I know all too well how quickly they change and evolve into energetic toddlers who rarely stay in stillness. Logan has my heart in his grip, this is for sure. I really can't get enough of his sweetness and he remains my angel baby- the most perfect little sweetheart. Our family friend Judy nailed it years ago when she stated the best way to describe the love you have for your child is in Sade's song "this aint no ordinary love"... It's true: nothing like it and it amazes me how you fall in love on such an intense level day after day...


Amy and Jeremy said...

Lo Lo's you are the CUTEST ever!
We love you so!!! xoxoxoxxo

Tamara said...

So cute! I love his room!