Sunday, March 21, 2010

9 months of Lo Lo Love

9 months ago, my sweet angel Logan blessed our lives and forever changed my heart. I could have never guessed how profound my love could be for a second baby, but it is true: your babies are your babies and there aren't and never will be favorites.  Logan has changed so much in this past month.  His crawling is more like sprinting on all fours, and he is now pulling himself up on any wall, chair, person he can get his hands on.  A few weeks ago, I gasped in happiness when I entered his room to find him standing up in his crib, bouncing away - happy as always.  He is babbling like crazy and in the last week has really become so communicative...well, as communicative as a 9 month old can be. When everyone is engaged and chatting away, he has taken to reaching his arm out straight and something fierce and babbling in long and strong tones as if to remind everyone he is here and has something to say too. Of course, his conviction ends in a huge bottom toothy grin which makes everyone smile.  I wonder, when will people stop making the comments they have made since he was born?...such as "is he always this happy?", "if I was guaranteed to have a baby as perfect as he, I would surely have another", or "he is by far the happiest baby I have ever seen". I think I am coming to find that this is him. Pure. Real. Joyful. Infectious.

I cherish every second of him and in seeing how quickly the time seems to go, I have taken to lately, spending just an extra few minutes breathing him in at night.  There is no feeling in the world more incredible than a sleeping babe cradled in his mama's arms. And I simply can't get enough of him.

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