Saturday, May 22, 2010

11 months...

My Dear Logan,

There has been a visible and audible shift in your personality these past few weeks. Now that you are nearing one year, you are even more curious, physical and vocal! You are standing unaided for long stretches and move quickly around furniture. You are literally into everything and we can hardly keep up with how quickly you can crawl out of our sight, or pull yourself up in order to try and grab something off the table or out of a cupboard. You are taken with the smallest of items- a crumb on the ground that of course, goes right into your mouth. Or a shred of cheese which you can sit and analyze for 30 seconds (before again, shoving it into your mouth). The common theme is that you love to eat! Typically, your curiousity and quick crawling always revolves around getting to food. You grunt loudly when you are not served a meal fast enough, or when you want more. You LOVE finger foods- bits of cheese, tofu, toast, quartered blueberries... anything we will give you. You never tire of eating, and love to nurse and will certainly let me know by now lifting my shirt. This cracks me up and reminds me how communicative you are despite not using words. You know what you want and how to get it, and I love this and hope this lesson serves you in many ways through your life!

And you still are my sweet baby. Just when I groan at how big you are and how fast time flies, you pull out the stops with some giggling as you bounce in your crib, or you twirl your fingers in my hair and plop your head onto my shoulder for a cuddle. These acts melt my heart and remind me you still have some baby in you. You are a cuddler and I cherish our sweet one-on-one times.

We have been enjoying mommy & me swim lessons and you are loving your time in the water. You cling just enough to know you need me, but clearly are confident and adventurous and always chuckle and smile through the whole lesson. You have a way about you that pulls my heart in 20 directions. And the journey only gets better and better with every passing day.

I adore you my sweet boy.

Love, Mama

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