Friday, June 11, 2010

Movin' on up!

Colin's last day of Room 5 (2 year class) was today. Next week he moves to Miss Tori and Miss Cassie's classroom of 3 year olds. If this is any indication of years to come, I need to get into therapy now because I become way to attached to the teachers! Luckily, Miss Tori was in room 5 and is transitioning with Colin as are a few of the other fresh 3 year olds. I can't decide if the transition will mean more to me or to Colin?!?! :) Miss KK was amazing, and because I just couldn't bare the finality, I shamelessly grabbed her phone number for babysitting at today's end of the year party :)

I feel so blessed to have an awesome preschool to send Colin to, where I know he is cared for so perfectly. Nothing gives a mama more peace of mind!!

Colin's favorite friends....

Colin with Michaela:

And Colin with Chandler:

1 comment:

Amy and Jeremy said...

Collie Bear you are so handsome and such a ladies man already-that Chandler is quite a hottie!!! Please tell your Mama I feel the same way about Camden switching to his new teachers in the fall!!