This past month, your interest in books has exploded. For your first birthday, you received one of the "Pookie" series cardboard books, and I loved that you took to your first book- especially because of the title: so close to Pooka, my nick name for you. Since then, I have bought another of the series, and you are in love with the stories. You still are using your pointing and grunting to communicate for the most part, but there is no denying what you want when you point, grunt and practically run to your books. Now, before each nap and before bed, whomever is putting you down reads those two books and you giggle through the whole read. I am so happy about this and hope your love for reading is as permanent as your brothers.
It is so exciting to see how sure of yourself you are. You get to where you want to be (confidently and quickly), and you know what you want. You are as sweet as they come, and yet so determined. It's awesome to see how these two things which usually might not happen in unison, can with you. You babble mama, dada, ba (ball) regularly, and love your family. You cuddle with us all the time, and it melts my heart all over again each time. I am soaking up every second with you, and stare at your blue/green/hazel eyes (depending on the day) with such admiration.
I love you my sweet Finny Pooka!

We Love You Lo Los!!!
what a cutie! He is looking more like Colin each day but in his own unique happy sweet way.
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