Sunday, December 5, 2010


This weekend, it was just me and my littles. And as I sit here Sunday night, I am both exhausted and elated! Exhausted because I mean really- a 3 1/2 year old and a 17month old keep anyone hopping!! I am beat! And elated, because it felt really good to know I could do this myself. Not that I really thought I couldn't, but because Morgan and I co-parent to the fullest, it's rare that I go at it alone and I forget how "much" it is for one! Weekends like this remind me of my high regard for Morgan as an amazing father, and a daddy that couldn't be more involved...

On a side note, I had a girls night last night (well me, Carrie Bradshaw, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda...ha!) and finally watched Sex in the City 2! Classic scene when Charlotte and Miranda apprehensively acknowledge how difficult parenting can be. And then they "drink" to women who don't have full time help...! All mommies out there would get a chuckle out of this scene!!

P.S. - I didn't totally tell the truth about being solo the entire weekend... Uncle Justin saved me Friday night when we went to the Santa Light Parade. Parking a mile away and not bringing the stroller, I would really have been in over my head without him. Big shoutout to my brother!!

Pictures to come once I come up from air- and once I get them from my pal, Flora. Mommy of the year here didn't charge her camera for the parade...!! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wish I could be there to hang more with you sis & be your SATC date! loves you xo