Monday, February 28, 2011


While Logan is starting to really put sounds together to form words (tonight's word of choice was "book peez"), Colin on the other hand has never had any problem verbalizing (and re-verbalizing over and over and over..) what he wants, needs, demands. I typically try to use my blog as a way to communicate to family and friends near and far, life's funny stories, events and happenings. However, this post I must admit might be a bit of a mama's rant...

OK WHEN DO THE TERRIBLE 3's GO AWAY?? Not that Colin is terrible in any way really, but boy is he a handful. He is a very spirited and willful child who talks and talks and talks and defies, and insists, and negotiates, and talks some more. He is exhausting and wonderful and vibrant. But holy crap did I mention he exhausts me? I really thought we had turned a corner with more sweet moments where he was listening (the biggest obstacle we have faced in the 3's), and then poof: a day comes where he literally wakes up in melt down mode and goes to bed with the same spicy way about him.

Yes, I am glad he communicates. Yes, I'm glad he is strong willed. And yes, I'm glad he is thoughtful and takes his time- (even when that means literally 45 minutes to eat his breakfast all the while chattering and negotiating away about every aspect of his day). But seriously, I need reassurance that 4's are easier... PLEASE!!

Ok, I am done now. :)

1 comment:

Chris, Becca, Abby and Jocelyn said...

3's have been quite difficult in this house too. Abby is an incredible negotiator too. Do you find you stop listening and then realize you have no idea what question you just answered "yes" to? These smart kiddos definitly know how to get exactly what they want:) Hang in there...let's hope that 4's are a bit easier!