Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Last night, Colin and I played peek a boo, read stories and he practiced his rolling and scooting. As always, he was smiles and chuckles and a perfect little boy. He went down to bed at 8pm without a fight. Fast forward to 6am when I awoke to silence except the sound machine I could hear through the baby monitor... I concentrated hard... yep, Colin was still asleep. I dosed back to sleep realizing he had never made a peep in the night. Next thing I knew, I heard my favorite morning sounds- faint coos and movement. I glanced to see the most amazing site... the clock read 7:36am. He had slept solid from 8pm to 7:36am without a stir. This is a record!! I can't explain how great I feel today. Thanks Colie Bear!! kisses....

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