Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Years Eve!

What a year it's been... Colin came into this world in 2007 and I can't believe it's about to be no longer that year! But what a year it's been... the best of my life!! Colin continues to delight us in all ways, shapes and forms!!
We returned last night from Oregon- a sad parting. But the wonder of children is that there is no time for saddness! As soon as we boarded the plane, Colie was all over the place...climbing and playing and squealing and wanting to explore the world from hundreds of feet above ground- staring out the window onto the tiny houses and roads below... he squealed again in delight...and then continued his new game of dramatically "throwing" himself back in exhaustion. Just adorable. He was non-stop the whole plane ride and all I could think of was- this is only a 2 hour plane ride- how will we do 17 hours to Italy in March?? In the words of Scarlet O'Hara, "we'll think about that tomorrow".
On a different note, Colin has majorly regressed in the sleeping department. He is a smart kid- he figured out on day 2 of our 10 day stay in Ashland that we were all slumbering in the same room and why should he sleep next to us in a pack n play when there is a much more cozy bed with mama and daddy right next to him? So, each night our crying babe has cozied in around midnight and has woken up a handful of times to nurse throughout the night... and last night, was no better. He awoke a couple hours after he went to bed and I rocked and nursed, nursed and rocked for 1 1/2 hours- each time, laying him sound asleep into his crib, only for him to wail. We'd do it all over again and finally at 3am after being up since 1:30am, I brought him back to bed. I do love co-sleeping but he is a wiggle worm and tends to wake up often when in bed with us, allowing for very little sleep to be had by Morg and me. So, once tomorrow hits, I will resume to what seems like an eternity ago and try and get back into a routine of sleeping in his crib. I dread the multiple crying episodes, but as always, will be sure to be gentle and go in every 2-3 minutes to assure him he is ok and loved. We will see how it goes!! And in the meantime, I wouldn't trade any of this for the world... all the love and joy Colin brings- day and night, is everything to us. Even after broken sleep last night, we awoke to our little guy cooing and smiling this morning and we all chuckled and it was as if I had had 10 hours of sleep... !

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