Friday, January 4, 2008

the sweetest sounds

Mem mem... Colin has been saying those words lately and we noticed with raised eyebrows that it sounded suspiciously like mom mom or mama... but like much of his babble, we figured it was our little guy trying out his sounds and not necessarily correlated to me. However, last night at 4:30am, Colin woke up crying (we still haven't gotten back into a routine post-travel) and I went in to soothe him... when he saw me, he began crying even harder in hysterics screaming mem mem... any strength in me that may have let him cry it out for a few minutes was gone. He continued in the saddest yet sweetest voice screaming "mem mem" to the point that there was only one thing to do- pick up my little boy and cuddle him. He looked at me with the softest look continuing to call me by his new name for me and we went back to bed for the remainder of the night to snuggle and nurse.
I had no idea his first calling to me could hit me so deeply!


Jenny said...

That is so cute, I just got teary... ;-)

Auntie Meag said...

I think what he was trying to say is Meag...Meag!! He is missing me:)