Monday, May 17, 2010

Sweet baby Keaton

Little miracle, Keaton Isaac Zint joined the family last night at 10:31pm. He was born at home and Tamara delivered him in her birth pool. He weighed 9 lbs, 4 oz and was 21 inches long. He is beautiful and perfect and we are all in awe of him...and of his amazing parents. Well done! And through it all, mama Tam was a frickin rockstar... calm, collected, focussed. Steve was a wonderful coach and support to her. The midwives rallied around. Our mom was there to assist...It was a supportive, beautiful site.

I am so honored I could share in such a sacred experience. The miracle of birth will always amaze me, and watching my nephew take his first breaths was undescribable. I am so proud of Tam for having the experience she wanted. She created the perfect environment and never caved in her conviction to have a natural birth, the way nature intended.

Welcome to the world, baby Keaton. We love you so much!


a boxer and a baby said...

Thanks for the photos G... I'm so glad you and your mama were there with Tam and Steve! Amazing.

Much love to you and yours,

Tamara said...

It was truly a gift you were there! Thanks for everything but especially being the best auntie Keaton could ask for. love you!!!