Friday, January 11, 2008

Splish Splash

Not being the most technically savy, it's taken me a few tries to learn how to upload video...but at last, I think I may have gotten it right. During one of our last nights in Oregon (a couple weeks ago), Colin discovered the fun of splashing in the bath. I have carried this video around since to watch here and there because nothing will bring a smile to my face faster.


Jenny said...

Oh!! That is so cute!!! He loves splashing, that face is so adorable!!

Auntie Meag said...

OMG! That is probably the cutest thing I have EVER seen!

I love him!

Mama Aim said...

He is seriously the most adorable...well, next to my Camdi, of course!
Can't wait to introduce our little babes to each other.

Lots of Love!