Friday, December 11, 2009


I have just completed my first week in my new position with Hospice. I am sitting here in awe of all the changes that have occurred in fewer than 6 months. Logan was born, we moved out of LA, I left ABC and started a new position. PHEW! With this new career path - I still am in marketing. But as Director of Development, I will focus more heavily on fundraising and event marketing for this incredible organization. And I am mostly in awe because all these big changes just reaffirmed my belief that you can manifest what you want in life. When it was right, came the perfect position at the perfect time and in the perfect setting. I am 11 minutes door to door to the offices (although I won't really be in the office much) and after 3 months, Fridays will be off and spent with my babies. This is the scenerio I wanted - to find a position that was fun, creative and contributed to the betterment of this world, and that was about 30 hours a week. I got exactly that. And to boot, it came all within a couple weeks of my projected return date to ABC. The final offer letter popped up in my email inbox the day before I was to return which was absolute fate I believe. And with that, I was able to have an additional few weeks with my boys, a total of 6 months off. Life feels so balanced and good. And of course, mainly because of these two little faces that I adore.


Tamara said...

Congrats on creating this! I'm so happy for you and excited for all the new adventures to come. xoxo

Amy and Jeremy said...

I'm so happy for you all and you know that I agree with you 100% on the notion of "putting it out there"!
Love and Miss!
Those boys are soooo cute!