Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy 6 months Logan!

It is hard to believe my sweet Finny Pooka (as Colin affectionately calls him) has only been in our lives for 6 months. And yet, in another way it feels like a blink- only seconds ago I was bringing our beautiful son into this world. Within seconds, my sweet boy found a perfect spot in our lives and in our hearts and this has only become clearer and clearer as our love for him has grown. He is undoubtedly, the smiliest baby I personally have ever seen. Friends, family and even strangers continue to comment on his amazing disposition and his enormous smiles and it just can't be helped to smile back into his adoring and curious blue eyes.

Of course his calm and peaceful nature is during the day. By night, he is a little devil these days and loves to be up and being held. I somehow AGAIN managed to make the same mistakes I made with Colin in being a bit too attentive in the night and fostering a clingy night baby... DARN IT! I guess I just couldn't help myself in wanting the closeness of co-sleeping... and now I am paying the price :) One cuddle and a boob solves all problems in the night and so I continue to say... "someday I will sleep" :)

Logan is incredibly strong... rolling and scooting and pretty much sitting as of late. It is clear he is in awe of his big brother and absolutely loves it when Colin makes him laugh and interacts with him. That to watch, is pure sweetness. It really doesn't get better than that.

I am so thankful for my precious family and the love and joy Logan has brought to us. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

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