Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 16th- one year ago

Today has me reminiscing of one year ago- my due date with Colin. I remember thinking how bizarre it was to see your due date finally arrive and then come and go with no baby. Who knew that two days later I would be going into labor and then 2+ days later I would deliver. This day is so special to me and I can't help but relive the incredible process in my mind of how I brought my baby boy into this world.... there is no better anniversary! Happy April 16th!!


heather said...

Gina the pictures are so cute what a handsome boy he is going to grow up to be.

Rachel said...

Isn't amazing how times just passes. I always feel like it is going slow but then I look back and realize a month, year and now Max is 16 months and it all has passed. Congrats on your official due date again,