Monday, April 7, 2008

Bon Journo!

We are back from 2 beautiful weeks in Tuscany to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday. What a trip... we stayed in a gorgeous villa in the country nestled among 600 acres of rolling green hills and plain beauty!! What a blessing to breathe clean air, awake to quiet (no traffic, actually no cars for that matter) and just peacefulness. We took day trips each and every day and saw so many wonderful and different towns... Siena, Cinque Terre, Florence, San Gimignano, Volterra, Lucca, Vinci, Greve, Chianni and more... we saw beautiful sights, ate amazing pasta and gelato and drank way too much wine!!

Most importantly, Colin was a champ! He adjusted beautifully to the time difference and just went with the flow every day. He picked up some new tricks while over there- blowing kisses, "rolling them up" during claps of pat-a-cake, and cut his fourth tooth. He was such a good boy...! He got some good time with Grandpa, Noni and Nana... he has quiet the fan base!

After two weeks on the go, we are happy to be home and personally I am content in staying put for a while! Now on to planning his first birthday party!!!

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