Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Night #2

So, we are in the throes of Extreme Makeover: Sleep Edition! :) After Colin's 1 year checkup on Friday (very healthy at 22 lbs/40th percentile and 29"/25th percentile), we were set to start a redesign of all sleep aspects. Our pediatrician gave us some good tips I felt were fair and between those and a fabulous book I've been reading we were ready come Sunday. The game plan: to move bedtime up to 7pm instead of 8pm and to start teaching our little monkey to self-soothe by putting him to sleep relaxed, but awake. We would have to try the cry it out method again, but this time with support... going in there to reassure and Morgan would be sleeping on a mattress on the floor in Colin's room so he knew he wasn't abandoned. Sunday night it took 1 hour for him to fall asleep after putting him down awake but the little guy was so tired, he literally fell asleep upright and then collapsed. He awoke at 1am and Morg went in and sang and reassured without picking him up. It took another hour but then Colin drifted to sleep until he awoke for the day at 6:30. Last night (night #2) was SO much better.... down for bed at 7:30 and it only took 20 minutes of fussing. He slept until 5:00am!! Morg again went in and layed next to the crib and reassured him. After 20 minutes, our babe was back asleep and slept until 6:30. Cross your fingers tonight is even better!! :)

1 comment:

Amy and Jeremy said...

I had to go back and read this because we are going through this right now! four hours of sleep is just not enough these days!

we miss and love you guys!